22 Trends for 2022

2020 too or not? That is a question we might ask from all years ahead as we have entered an age of shifts at global level that happens once or twice in a century. The years ahead bring a multitude of challenges steaming from climate crises, geopolitical and ideological re-alignments or threats like infectious diseases or digital inequalities. Polarized societies, possible armed conflicts and debt crises loom ahead.

In the same time, we live in the most luxuriant time mankind has known. By 2030 we can see amazing sciencepreneur solutions to the aforementioned challenges, the incredible benefits from a more mature AI, the rise of quantum computing, 6G deployment and unbelievable boundaries pushed by biotech. A sustainable and inclusive mindset of the next futuremakers around the world will bring balance and trust in an unpredictable future, with unprecedented access to knowledge and funding.

Can we summarize 2022 in 22 trends? Probably not. Can we find opportunities, trust and grow our imagination with them? Probably yes.

What can you do with this report? Look for opportunities in each of the trends, even if you are not an entrepreneur. Understand risks for social and economic stability and growth. Become more attentive to what happens on the other side of the world or other industries as the 2020s show us that interconnectedness is the key driver of the future.

This report was release in January 2022, with research being done in November-December 2021.


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